LOMO Smena-35 Instructions
English translation of the Lomo Smena-35 manual
“SMENA-35” is an up-to-date miniature camera intended for a broad circle of photo amateurs.
Such camera features as anti-reflex coated lens, viewfinder, subject symbols scale, diaphragm shutter with a wide range of exposures and flash bulb synchro socket make it possible to take the most various pictures and to get high-quality negatives, both black-and-whit,and in full colour.
Weather symbols and film sensitivity scales help in estimating a correct exposure.
Film rewind mechanism makes it possible to use one cassette.
All these features as well as foolproof and trouble-free operation and modern appearance of “SMENA-35 camera never cease attracting both novices and experienced photo amateurs.
The camera is made for work over a range of temperatures from minus 15 to plus 45’C, without direct solar radiation and precipitation. Before taking photos, please, read this Operating manual to master procedure of operating and handling the camera.
The SMENA-35 camera is safe for health, life, property of the consumer and for environment as confirmed in Declaration No.012/001 dated from March 30, 1993 claiming compliance with State Standards GOST 12.1.019-79 and GOST 26104-89.
Film accepted, mm 35
Frame size, mm 24×36
Pictures on the film 36
Lens: hard coated, three-element anastigmat T-43:
focal length, mm 40
relative aperture f/4
Diaphragm scale 4; 5.6; 8; 1 1; 16
Film light sensitivity scale,
GOST/ISO units 25,50,100,200,400
Diaphragm shutter.
Shutter speeds, s . 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250 plus B
Distance scale, m . . . . 1; 1.2; 1.5; 2; 2.5; 3; 5; 10; oo (infinity)
Overall dimensions, mm, not over 114x75x58
Mass, kg, not over 0.24
Camera “SMENA-35” with its carrying strap
Lens cap
Carrying case
Operating manual
Principal parts and controls of the camera are shown in Fig. 1, 2 and 3.
1 – camera body
2 – objective lens
3 – release button
4 – index for weather symbols setting and focusing
5 – adapter shoe for flash bulb and accessories
6 – shutter cocking lever
7 – viewfinder
8 – handwheel with rewind crank
9 – shutter speed setting ring with shutter speeds scale and weather symbols
10 – focusing ring with distance scale and subject symbols
11 – camera back lock knob
12 – diaphragm scale
13 – film light sensitivity scale
14 – ring with indices to set diaphragm and film light sensitivity
15 – carrying strap
16 – viewfinder eyepiece
17 – gear wheel
18 – flash bulb synchro socket
19 – picture counter
20 – film advance handwheel
21 – camera back
22 – pressure plate
23 – take-up spool
24 – take-up spool tooth
25 – film gate slides
26 – rewind shaft bracket
27 – shutter speeds scale
28 – shutter speed setting index
29 – tripod socket
Scale of subjects symbols, together with distance scale, is located at the lens tube. Each symbol is approximately in line with a certain taking distance.
Symbol “one outline” corresponds to a metre distance and is set for taking portraits, with vertically arranged pictures.
Symbol “two outlines” corresponds to 1.5m distance and is set for taking portraits with horizontal arrangement of pictures.
Symbol “three outlines” corresponds to 4 m distance, and it is used for taking a small-group of people. Symbol “mountains” Corresponds to 8m distance and is set for taking land-scapes or architectural subjects with foreground.
Lens diaphragm is used for changing a lens aperture. The lens can be stopped down (turning the diaphragm setting ring) in order to increase field depth or -to reduce subject contrast too heavy for a chosen shutter speed. With stopping down the lens, the near limit of field depth will -a-pproach the -camera while the far limit will run away. Table I gives average values of field depth for various diaphragms with the lens focused for various distances.
As it is seen from the Table, with the distance scale set to 1.5 m and at f/8 (the most preferable with photo amateurs) all the subjects taken within a distance from 1.3 to 1.8m would be imaged sharp on the negative, and with the lens focused to 5 m field depth will be from 1.3 to 15.5 m. With the lens focused to 10 m. at the same f/8, sharply imaged on the negative will be all subjects taken at a distance farther than 4.25m, i.e. from 4.25m to infinity.
Scales of shutter speeds and diaphragms are stepped so that increasing (decreasing) a shutter speed or diaphragm for a division will double or halve, respectively, amount of light for exposure. For example, exposure time is 1160 s at f/5.6, and if the lens has been stopped down to f/8 under the same lighting conditions, the shutter should be reset to 1/30 s.
Scales of shutter speeds and f-numbers carry the denominators only, as 250 instead of 1/250, 8 instead of f/8 etc.
Table I
Depth of field, in metres, with diaphragm
m f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16
1.0 0.95-1.05 0.95-1.10 0.90-1.15 0.90-1.20 0.85-1.30
1.2 1.15-1.25 1.10-1.30 1.05-1.40 1.00-1.50 0.95-1.70
1.5 1.40-1.65 1.35-1.70 1.30-1.80 1.20-2.00 1.10-2.40
2.0 1.80-2.25 1.70-2.40 1.60-2.70 1.50-3.10 1.40-4,10
2.5 2.20@2-90 2.10- 3.20 1.95-3.70 1.75 4.50 1.60 -7.40
3.0 2.55-3.70 2.40-4.10 2.20-5.00 2.00-6.60 1.70-15.30
5.0 3.80-7.50 3.50-9.50 3.00-15.5 2.50-75.00 2.20-oo
10. 6.00-31.50 5.20-oo 4.25-oo 3.50-oo 2.75-oo
oo 14.50-oo 10.00-oo 8.00-oo 5.50-co 4.75-m-oo
When setting light sensitivity of a loaded film by the scale located at the lens front, a certain diaphragm given in Table 2 is set at the same time. For example, diaphragm f/8 corresponds to light sensitivity of 100 GOST/ISO units.
Shutter speeds are set by symbols corresponding to a weather at the moment of taking pictures. If there is sun in the sky and there are no clouds, symbol “brightsun>) should be set that corresponds to 1/250s shutter speed. When shoosing weather symbols, some discrepance between the sky and symbol is allowed as these five symbols cannot cover all weather conditions (the sky). In spite of this, negatives got after taking pictures by weather symbol should be fit, as a rule, for printing, provided the proper photo paper is chosen.
It is necessary to remember that it is expediently to use the weather symbols approximately from 8 a.m. to 17-18p.m. in the period from April to August and from 1Oa.m. to 14-16p.m. from September to March. When taking pictures in the deep shade in the sunny weather it is recommended to make a correction
at weather symbols setting. For instance: symbol “veiled Sunlight” should be set instead of symbol “bright sun”. The method of shutter speed setting in accordance with the weather symbols cannot guarantee good pictures in the early morning hours as well as in twilight and in other bad light conditions especially when there is a dark period of year. Therefore in such cases the exponometer may be used or test shots can be done.
Having got a necessary experience, photo amateur can take pictures, if there is any wish, by the shutter speed and diaphragm scales, using his creative abilities. The diaphragm shutter offers the following automatic exposure speeds- 1/250; 1/125; 1/60; 1/30; 1/15 s.
Any shutter speeds which are regulated by hand are got when the shutter speed scale is set at index “B”.
To set a chosen shutter speed, turn the weather symbols (shutter speeds) setting ring until the index is coincided with the required shutter speed. The shutter is cocked with turning the shutter cocking lever up to stop.
The synchro socket provided at the camera is designed for agreement of flash bulb flashing moment with that of the shutter full opening. When picking up accessories to be insetted into the flash bulb yoke,
comfortable operation with the release button should be taken into account. Using a speedlight, the shutter can be set to any speeds. Using a single flash bulb, the shutter should be set to 1/15 s and B* only.
Picture counter shows amount of pictures taken. Each digited division of the picture counter corresponds to three pictures.
To load the camera, set the release button to the taking; pressing the lock knob, hinge aside the camera back, pull up the rewind crank and insert the cassette with film. Insert a blank end of the film into the take-up spool slot so that to catch film perforations with the spool tooth. Rotating the film advance handwheet for a turn, ensure that gear wheel teeth get into perforations. Turning a little bit the rewind crank, lower it as far as it will go, the spool juncture should enter the rewind shaft slot in this event. Rotating the crank in the arrow direction, adjust tension of the film. The latter should enter the film gate runners without a screw, the gear wheel catching the perforation. Close the camera and latch the back lock. Advance the film for two frames to rewind an exposed portion. To this end, depress and release the release button, turn the film advance handwheel to feed the film the above procedures. Rotating the knurled ring of frame counter, set the counter scale to “1” by turning from left to right.
To make the camera ready for taking, set a shutter the “SMENA-35” camera it can according to weather symbols and coinciding shutter speed and diaphragm scales with corresponding indices. To set the shutter speed and diaphragm according to weather symbols, do as follows: –set the film sensitivity value on the scale located at the lens front by rotating the diaphragm setting ring until the index coincides with the relevant value of film speed; the lens at this moment will be set up to a certain reading seen at the diaphragm scale; — Estimate weather conditions (colour of the sky) and set a relevant weather symbol against the index by rotating the shutter speed setting ring.
To set the shutter speed and diaphragm by scales, it is necessary: — Turning the shutter speed setting ring until the index is coincided with the chosen shutter speed on the scale located at the ring bottom, set the shutter speed value.
— Turning the diaphragm setting ring, set the diaphragm value, coinciding the index with the relevant value on the scale located at the lens front. On adjusting the shutter speed and diaphragm, focus the lens. To do this, estimate the subject distance and set it in accordance with subject symbols or by the distance scale. Looking through the viewfinder at the subject, frame the shot. Turn the shutter cocking lever up to stop to cock the shutter, then firmly press the release knob. Cock the shutter again directly before the next taking. The head of the cocking lever will remind your of the necessity – it is well defined in the viewfinder field if the shutter is not ready for taking. Note. The camera allows, if required, multiple takings on a picture (festive fireworks, thunderstorm etc). To this end, it is required, without advancing the film for the next picture, to cock the shutter and make a- double shot (or shots). To unload the camera, it is necessary to rewind the film into the cassette. For this event, depress the release button and turn it until the button index is coincided with letter “R” at the camera top. The button will be arrested in the depressed position, and the film advance mechanism will be disengaged. Then swing out the rewind crank and rotate it in the arrow direction to rewind the film. Swing out the camera back and pull the handwheel with crank as far as it will go to take out the cassette. Depressing the release button, bring it to its initial position. IMPORTANT. Never rewind the film when the shutter is set to “B” (slow shutter speed set manually).
The camera requires careful handling. Soiled lenses deteriorate sharpness of pictures,
so it is required to keep lenses always clean. Wipe the objective and viewfinder from the outside only with a clean cambric or linen cloth, having breathed on the glass. Never wipe plastic parts of the camera with alcohol, acetone and other active solvents. IMPORTANT. Never try do-it-yourself repairs. Slight discrepances between the present Manual and your camera may occur because of constant advancement of its design.
Posted on September 21st, 2008 in | 1 Comment »