Jun - 17th
All possible netmasks expanded
Posted at 11:00 pm | Filed Under blog
Sick of memorizing netmasks? So am I! Netmask /24 (11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000) 1 subnet LOW IP HI IP x.x.x.0 x.x.x.255 Netmask /25 (11111111.11111111.11111111.10000000) 2 subnets LOW IP HI IP x.x.x.0 x.x.x.127 x.x.x.128 x.x.x.255
May - 21st
Slow Photography in an instantaneous age
Posted at 1:11 pm | Filed Under blog
http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/05/17/ essay-slow-photography-in-an-instantaneous-age/ Fast is fine, but slow can be much better. Digital photography and the ascent of the Web have quickened our jobs. Instead of one deadline a day, we now have continual deadlines, bringing exponentially increasing speed to what we do at The Times. One advantage of using larger formats is that the process […]
May - 19th
Telecommunications Terms – a glossary
Posted at 11:26 am | Filed Under blog
A key system has multi-line phones with keys that you press to get dial tone on a specific line from the phone company’s Central Office (CO), or to answer a call. In smaller key systems, incoming calls usually ring at several — or all — phones. In bigger key systems, calls usually go to the […]
Apr - 7th
My fascination with the Olympus XA 2
Posted at 6:00 pm | Filed Under blog
In order to understand my fascination with the LOMO LC-A, it helps to know about the camera that started me thinking differently about photography.
Feb - 10th
Boodler and Buddha Machine together
Posted at 11:40 am | Filed Under blog
I’ve been playing with my Buddha Machine v2.0 for the past week and love it. I downloaded the .wav files played by Buddha Machine 1.0 and decided to buy one to play next to my 2.0 unit. While googling around, I came across a post on the Healing Beats forum describing a program called Boodler. […]
Dec - 24th
The Conet Project – mysterious shortwave numbers stations
Posted at 10:10 am | Filed Under blog
For more than 30 years the Shortwave radio spectrum has been used by the worlds intelligence agencies to transmit secret messages. These messages are transmitted by hundreds of Numbers Stations. Shortwave Numbers Stations are a perfect method of anonymous, one way communication. Spies located anywhere in the world can be communicated to by their masters […]
Dec - 15th
More FM3-derived ambient works
Posted at 9:14 am | Filed Under blog
Since FM3 was kind enough to offer the loops from their Buddha Machine 1.0 for free and on a Creative Commons license, Mystified and Zieltogend endeavored to create pieces of music using only these sounds. Unlike the original Buddha Machine, more than one loop is heard at once in these pieces, giving them perhaps a little bit of an unfair advantage. We hope you enjoy the music.
Dec - 14th
Boodler and Buddha Machine together
Posted at 1:40 am | Filed Under blog
I’ve been playing with my Buddha Machine v2.0 for the past week and love it. I downloaded the .wav files played by Buddha Machine 1.0 and decided to buy one to play next to my 2.0 unit. While googling around, I came across a post on the Healing Beats forum describing a program called Boodler. […]
Dec - 5th
Buddha Machine
Posted at 12:34 am | Filed Under blog
My Buddha Machine arrived yesterday. I opened the shipping container to find a box roughly the size of a deck of playing cards. The outside is festooned with the FM3 logo and chinese lettering. The box opens to reveal a retro-looking plastic slab resembling a 1970’s transistor radio. It’s the brainchild of FM3 (aka Christiaan […]
Nov - 11th
SwitchProxy update – google posterity post
Posted at 5:35 pm | Filed Under blog
I swear by SwitchProxy for Firefox. I use proxies to test our work environment and route web traffic through a SSH tunnel when I’m on an untrusted wireless network. Unfortunately, SwitchProxy hasn’t been updated for some time – it doesn’t work on newer versions of Firefox. I read this post which talked about tweaking .xpi […]
Oct - 2nd
Avaya/Lucent/Orinoco RG-1000 Residential Gateway notes
Posted at 7:51 pm | Filed Under blog
I have a wireless network segment at home using the Lucent RG-1000 residential gateway. The RG-1000 has been passed around from WaveLAN to Proxim to Lucent to Avaya to Agere and back to Proxim, and so finding documentation and drivers can be a problem. Here are my notes, should anyone else be looking for information […]
Sep - 29th
Blogs Kurt is reading
Posted at 2:22 pm | Filed Under blog
Nic Nichol’s blog: Four Corners Dark: Holga, Lomo, and low-fi photography. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I’m reading my own mind. He’s loving the Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim camera (my own reviews forthcoming), ranting on the ranters who claim you can duplicate low-fi with photoshop, so why bother with plastic, and […]
Sep - 22nd
Linked networks
Posted at 3:29 pm | Filed Under blog
Ok, so I post to WordPress. WordPress posts an update to Twitter via Twitter tools and to Livejournal. LJ gets the whole post with comments redirected to WordPress. Twitter posts a shortened URL to the blog post. Twitter gets slurped once a day into LoudTwitter, which also posts to LJ. And, Facebook also gets updated […]
Apr - 8th
Google Posterity Post — flashing DD-WRT onto a Belkin FD4230-4 router
Posted at 10:32 am | Filed Under blog
I’ve had this little router for years, bought it for $20 with a $20 rebate, and since upgrading the OS to DD-WRT it’s performed flawlessly. I have a Belkin wireless router (model number: F5D7230-4 v1444). For some reason, the Virtual Server (or Port Forwarding) did not work correctly. It’s obviously a firmware problem. I checked […]
Mar - 22nd
T-Mobile U.S.A. GPRS/EDGE, ISDN, and WAP settings
Posted at 2:56 pm | Filed Under blog
Want to configure your Smart Phone, tablet or telephone to use the T-Mobile data network? This is a simple collection of settings for use with the T-Mobile (formerly VoiceStream) U.S.A. network I’ve collected over the years. I have used these settings to configure my own GSM mobile phones, PDAs and laptops. They may or may […]
Mar - 3rd
The Art of No
Posted at 5:57 pm | Filed Under blog
The Art of No …what nobody ever teaches us is perhaps the most important thing you can learn to be a successful working designer: How to not say “no”. If I could give one piece of advice to the designer just getting into client work, or even some who’s been doing this for a while, […]
Dec - 5th
Using a Blackberry handheld as a dialup modem
Posted at 1:32 pm | Filed Under blog
Introduction Did you know that BlackBerry can now be used just like an external modem for a laptop computer, so that a laptop can have full Internet access? This is useful when you need to do certain things that a BlackBerry cannot yet do. Increasing numbers of success reports have caused me to post this […]
Nov - 12th
Spamassassin settings for bayesian filtering
Posted at 11:16 pm | Filed Under blog
SPAM fighting (A talking to myself, want to get this in google post…) I’ve been getting a HUGE number of SPAMs slipping through my SPAMASSASSIN filter, and have been trying to figure out how to combat it. SPAMs are getting flagged as BAYES_00, which gives them a negative score. I was moving them into the […]
Jul - 3rd
Weird networking knockoff
Posted at 7:54 am | Filed Under blog
This is one of the strangest knock-offs I’ve seen; they’ve totally borrowed the Linksys case design, but use a one-antenna board: I’m pretty sure that even the B Linksys routers had two antennae. In another project, I have my FON router operational. It’s in a DMZ and allows access to other FON users for free. Check out […]
Jan - 30th
My Business is Mind-Melting
Posted at 1:14 am | Filed Under blog
This is from an email list I’m on, and I realized I knew each acronym – and it made sense! Can a SDI/DCH (ntak02ba) card be used as a programable d channel for a DTI card? If not what is the actual purpose of the SDI/DCH card? I need to be able to set the […]
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