Samsung Diagnostic Codes

blog July 7th, 2015

Samsung Cell Phones – Programmer Codes
Suggested by: GodCube, 11 Apr 2007 | Print version
Type these codes into the phone where you normally would make a call.

#646# then press the Call button: T-Mobile Customers only, shows minute usage.
*#06# : Show IMEI.
*#9999# : Show Software Version.
*#0837# : Show Software Version (instructions).
*#0001# : Show Serial Parameters.
*#9125# : Activates the smiley when charging.
*#9998*228# : Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature).
*#9998*246# : Program status.

*#9998*289# : Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency.
*#9998*324# : Debug screens.
*#9998*364# : Watchdog.
*#9998*377# : EEPROM Error Stack – Use side keys to select values. Cancel and ok.
*#9998*427# : Trace Watchdog.
*#9998*523# : Change LCD contrast – Only with version G60RL01W.
*#9998*544# : Jig detect.
*#9998*636# : Memory status.
*#9998*746# : SIM File Size.
*#9998*778# : SIM Service Table.
*#9998*785# : RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors – if ok then phn is reset, info is put in memory error.
*#9998*786# : Run, Last UP, Last DOWN.
*#9998*837# : Software Version.
*#9998*842# : Test Vibrator – Flash the screen light during 10 seconds and vibration activated.
*#9998*862# : Vocoder Reg – Normal, Earphone or car kit can be selected.
*#9998*872# : Diag.
*#9998*947# : Reset On Fatal Error.
*#9998*999# : Last/Chk.
*#9998*9266# : Yann debug screen (Debug Screens?).
*#9998*9999# : Software version.

If the Codes above dont work, you should change *#9998* to *#0. i.e. *#9998*523# change to *#0523#. Another thing that will help is to remove your SIM card.
*0001*s*f*t# : Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1)

*0002*?# : unknown.
*0003*?# : unknown.

SP-unlock SGH-600 (and also SGH-2100)
*2767*3855# : Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES SP-LOCK!! )
But also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0. (Doing this is illegal)

*2767*2878# : Custom EEEPROM Reset.
*#06# displays phones IMEI NO..
*#9999# SW Version.
*#8888# HW Version.
*#0842# Vibrator.
*#0289# Buzzer.
*#0228# Battery Stat.
*#0782# RTC Display (?).
*#0523# LCD Contrast.
*#0377# NVM error log (?).
*#5646# GSM Logo Set.
*#0778# Sim Serv, Table (?).
*#0638# SIM Network ID.
*#0746# SIM info.
*#0076# Production No.
*#3323# Forced Crash (? don’t know, but does not sound good)
*#2576# SIM error.
*#4357# The actual help screen.
*#9324# Netmon <> press the hang up key to exit.
*#0778# To see what your SIM supports.
*#0746# Your sim type.
*#32439483 Digital Audio Interference off.
*#32436837# Digital Audio Interference on.
*#9998*9999# Software Version.
*#9998*8888# Hardware Version.
*#9998*377# Non Volatile Memory Error Log.
*#9998*778# SIM Serv. Table.
*#9998*968# Reminder Tune.
*#9998*2576# Forces SIM Error.
*#9998*533# (LED).
*#999* Show date and alarm clock.
*#8999*638# show network information.
*#9998*5646# change operator logo at startup.
*#9998*968# View melody alarm.

#0111*0000000# Removes SIM Lock.

*2767*688# = Unlocking code.
*#8999*8378# = All in one code.
*#4777*8665# = GPSR Tool.
*#8999*3825583# = External Display.
*#8999*377# = Errors.
*#2255# = call list.
#*5737425# = JAVA Something? and it crashed.

#*536961# = Java Status Code.
#*536962# = Java Status Code.
#*536963# = Java Status Code.
#*53696# = Java Status Code.

#*1200# = AFC DAC Val.
#*1300# = IMEI.
#*1400# = IMSl.

#*2562# ? White for 15 sec than restarts.
#*2565# Check Blocking.
#*3353# check code.
#*3837# = ? White for 15 secs than restarts.
#*3849# = ? white for 15 secs than restarts.

#*7222# Operation Typ (class C GSM).
#*7224# I got ERROR !
#*7252# Operation Typ (Class B GPRS).
#*7271# Multi Slot (Class 1 GPRS).
#*7271# Multi Slot (Class 4 GPRS).
#*7337# EEPROM Reset (unlock and resets Wap settings).
#*2787# CRTP ON/OFF.
#*3737# L1 Dbg Data.
#*5133# L1 Dbg Data.
#*7288# GPRS Attached.
#*7287# GPRS Detached.
#*7666# SrCell Data.
#*7693# Sleep Act/Deact (enable or disable the black screen after doing nothing for a while).
#*7284# Class B/C Or GPRS.
#*2256# Calibration Info.
#*2286# Battery Data.
#*2679# Copycat Feature (activate or deactivate).
#*3940# External loop 9600 bps.
#*8462# sleep time.
#*5176# L1 Sleep.
#*5187# L1C2G Trace (activate or deactivate).
#*3877# Dump Of spy trace.
*#8999*8376263# HW Ver SW Ver and build date.
*#746565# Checks the locks.
*7465625*28746# Auto SIM lock On.
#7465625*28746# Auto SIM lock Off.

(*Known Unlock CODES*)

S500/ P400/ E500/ E700/ X100/ X600/ E100/
Enter *2767*3855# with and accepted SIM card If this codes fails, Enter *2767*688# or #*

A300/ A400 / A800
Enter code above with an accepted SIM card.

S100 / S300 / V200 / V205 / E710 / E715 / D410 / X426/
Enter code above with an accepted SIM card.
If the code above fails
1.) Insert a SIM card which the phone dose not accept.
2.)If you see wrong Card, type #9998*3323#
3.)Press exit and select number 7. Phone will reboot.
4.) Now SIM should work.
5.) Type *0141# and then press call.
6.) Power off the phone and insert another SIM card.
7.) If a code is requested, enter 00000000.

These contain text, codes that can be unique for each phone, or some other type of function. I have not tried these.

*#9998*JAVA# Edit GPRS/CSD settings (S100 only).
*#9998*Help# Screen / List of codes.
*#9998*RTC# RTC Display.
*#9998*bat# Battery Status.
*#9998*buz# Turns Buzzer On.
*#9998*vub# Turns Vibator On.
*#9998*LCD# LCD Contrast.
*7465625*638*Code# Enables Network lock.
#7465625*638*Code# Disables Network lock.
#7465625*782*code# Disables Subset lock.
*7465625*782*code# Enables subset lock.
*7465625*746*code# Enables SIM lock.
#7465625*746*code# disables SIM lock.
*2767*MEDIA# Resets the media on phone – DELETES all downloaded PICS/TONES.
*2767*FULL# Resets the EEPRON – DANGEROUS.
*2767*CUST# Resets the custom EEPRON.
*2767*JAVA# Resets JAV downloads (deletes all downloads).
*#9998*NET# SIM NEtwork ID.
*#9998*NVM# Displays Non-Volatile Memory Status.
*#9999*C# Netmon.
*#9998*DEAD# Forces Phone Crash.

I have no idea what these do:


Some codes have not been tested. If you come to a code that does work, try hitting the call button or play around with the #/* at the beginning and the end.

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