T-Mobile U.S.A. GPRS/EDGE, ISDN, and WAP settings

blog March 22nd, 2008

Want to configure your Smart Phone, tablet or telephone to use the T-Mobile data network? This is a simple collection of settings for use with the T-Mobile (formerly VoiceStream) U.S.A. network I’ve collected over the years. I have used these settings to configure my own GSM mobile phones, PDAs and laptops. They may or may not be accurate at a given time and are compiled here in the hope that others may find them useful.

I have no affiliation with T-Mobile other than being a customer for several years.

T-Mobile GPRS settings (T-Mobile EDGE settings)

T-Mobile GPRS/EDGE settings for terminals (e.g., phone handsets). Some items are possibly Nokia-specific. I have found the authentication type can be either Secure or Normal. These settings should be useful for T-MobileWeb users.

 APN: wap.voicestream.com
 IP address:
 Data bearer: GPRS
 Username: [none]
 Password: [none]
Authentication type: Secure
Connection security: Off

APN is the GPRS Access Point Name.

T-Mobile GPRS/EDGE modem settings

T-Mobile GPRS/EDGE network settings when using a device as a GPRS “modem”, that is, when “tethered” to another device. Examples include connection via Dial Up Networking (DUN) Bluetooth profile, or via Universal Serial Bus (USB). These settings should be useful for T-Mobile Internet users.

 APN: internet2.voicestream.com
 Username: voicestream
 Password: [none]
 SMTP server: myemail.t-mobile.com

APN is the GPRS Access Point Name.

T-Mobile GPRS/EDGE modem settings for T-Mobile VPN users.

Users of T-Mobile’s Virtual Private Networking (VPN) Internet option should substitute the following APN:

 APN: internet3.voicestream.com

T-Mobile ISDN settings

T-Mobile ISDN settings for terminals (e.g., phone handsets). This is an ISDN dial-up number for WAP use only. Some items are possibly Nokia-specific. I have found the authentication type can be either Secure or Normal.

 Dial-up number: +1 913 244 0821
 Data call type: ISDN
 Data call speed: 14400
 IP address:
 Data bearer: GSM data
 Username: wap
 Password: [none]
Authentication type: Secure
Connection security: Off

T-Mobile WAP services settings

T-Mobile WAP services (t-zones) settings

 Homepage: http://wap.myvoicestream.com

Notes and Links

modmyiPhone: T-Mobile settings for the Apple iPhone

Ross Barkman’s mobile phone and modem scripts for Mac OS X
T-Mobile GSM Glossary and Definitions
Usenet newsgroup alt.cellular.gsm.carriers.voicestream at Google Groups

GSM network hash codes of interest:

Apparently T-Mobile does not currently support Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) for secure WAP transactions.

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