More FM3-derived ambient works

blog December 15th, 2008

“Sounds of the Buddha Machine 1.0”

Since FM3 was kind enough to offer the loops from their Buddha Machine 1.0 for free and on a Creative Commons license, Mystified and Zieltogend endeavored to create pieces of music using only these sounds. Unlike the original Buddha Machine, more than one loop is heard at once in these pieces, giving them perhaps a little bit of an unfair advantage. We hope you enjoy the music.

This audio is part of the collection: Okkulth Records

Date: 2008-11-09
Keywords: ambient; FM3; Mystified; Zieltogend

Creative Commons license: Attribution 3.0 Netherlands

The intention of Okkulth releases is that they are dubbed onto a cassette. These songs will fit onto one side of a C90 tape. It is recommended that you use the PDF file to print the artwork. In the unlikely event that you want to burn a CDR, you can use either the low-resolution thumbnail file or freely alter the artwork provided in the BMP image.

Mystified is Thomas Park.
More at:

Zieltogend is [empty].
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Okkulth can also be found at:

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