May - 29th
LOMO Double
Posted at 5:45 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
May - 27th
Window Reflection, SOMA
Posted at 7:23 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
I bought 10 rolls of expired Fuji Superia Reala 100 from the Lomographic Society. It’s been a while since I shot with Reala, but I can’t see any significant degradation in color. Maybe it’s not that expired, after all?
May - 27th
Zeno Place in SOMA SF, again
Posted at 8:14 am | Filed Under art, film
Another shot of Zeno Place, an alley in San Francisco fighting against modernization and gentrification.
May - 26th
Jukebox, Canon FTb
Posted at 10:24 pm | Filed Under art, film
I’m continually amazed by the results I get with a good professional film, an old-school mechanical SLR like my Canon FTb and a 50mm prime lens. This was shot pretty close to wide-open, probably F/2.8 at the most…
May - 26th
Produce market LOMO
Posted at 6:41 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
May - 25th
Projector 2, San Francisco
Posted at 2:42 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
May - 24th
Projection Room
Posted at 7:49 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
May - 23rd
Bicyclist on Townsend, SOMA SF
Posted at 6:51 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
May - 21st
Cube Light LOMO
Posted at 6:00 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
Another quick snap on my lunch hour in SOMA district, San Francisco. I scanned this one from the print instead of using York Photo‘s online scans.
May - 21st
Slow Photography in an instantaneous age
Posted at 1:11 pm | Filed Under blog essay-slow-photography-in-an-instantaneous-age/ Fast is fine, but slow can be much better. Digital photography and the ascent of the Web have quickened our jobs. Instead of one deadline a day, we now have continual deadlines, bringing exponentially increasing speed to what we do at The Times. One advantage of using larger formats is that the process […]
May - 18th
Plates, Jingletown (Oakland) CA – Part II
Posted at 6:51 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
Here’s a different perspective of the previous post, showing a little more scale of whatever these things are. And, my sense of scale is way off – those pallets in the background are probably 4 feet wide at least.
May - 15th
Kitchen LOMO
Posted at 6:00 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
No other camera can work with low light as well as a LOMO does. Load a roll of slow film, hand-hold the camera, brace it against a lamp post, hold your breath and shoot…
May - 13th
Film is not dead…
Posted at 6:35 pm | Filed Under film, journal
…But it’s not moving around much. My local film sources are drying up, and I’ve had to resort to buying film on the (gasp!) internet. Wolf/Ritz Cameras used to sell Fuji Superia 100/24 4 packs but the last few stores I checked said they haven’t received ANY FILM in their last few shipments. WAL*MART and […]
May - 12th
Posted at 10:20 pm | Filed Under art, film
I do most of my shooting with a collection of junk store plastic cameras and a freezer full of film I’m working through. Digital doesn’t compare to film – not knowing what I’m going to get until I get the roll back is delayed gratification compared to chimping on a LCD display seconds after the shot […]
May - 12th
Graffiti in San Francisco
Posted at 5:10 pm | Filed Under art, film
More fun with the Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim, a cheap fixed-focus, plastic-lensed camera. SOMA/San Francisco, Fuji Superia 400 film.
May - 4th
Posted at 7:25 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
Greyhound Station, San Francisco CA. LOMO LC-A, Kodak HD 400 film
May - 3rd
Krappy Kamera Gallery
Posted at 8:08 am | Filed Under art, film, journal
(I so missed this – that’s what I get for not subscribing to EVERY BLOG OUT THERE… Do check out the link to the 2008 winners…) Soho Photo Krappy Kamera® Competition In the upstairs gallery, the Krappy Kollage–all the entries (over 1,400) for 2007’s Krappy Kamera show. The beginning
May - 2nd
Phone Line
Posted at 7:36 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
May - 1st
Continuing my window study
Posted at 10:08 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
A window I pass by every day on my way to and from work. This time, with a Colorsplash and Fuji Superia 400 film.
Apr - 29th
Don’t think, just shoot
Posted at 7:19 am | Filed Under art, film, journal
This LOMO mantra’s been getting easier for me – since I’ve been growing my hair longer and spring breezes are here, I’m having a hard time looking through the viewfinder without my hair getting in the way of the lens or the viewfinder! I shot a roll of some generic $.99 cent store ISO 200 […]
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