May - 24th
Projection Room
Posted at 7:49 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
May - 23rd
Bicyclist on Townsend, SOMA SF
Posted at 6:51 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
May - 21st
Cube Light LOMO
Posted at 6:00 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
Another quick snap on my lunch hour in SOMA district, San Francisco. I scanned this one from the print instead of using York Photo‘s online scans.
May - 20th
Sidewalk LOMO series – SOMA district, San Francisco
Posted at 6:25 pm | Filed Under art, lomo
Another sidewalk series photo from the SOMA district in San Francisco. I’ve walked the same streets and alleys in SOMA continually for 15 years and am amazed at the things I see for the first time when looking through the viewfinder.
May - 18th
Plates, Jingletown (Oakland) CA – Part II
Posted at 6:51 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
Here’s a different perspective of the previous post, showing a little more scale of whatever these things are. And, my sense of scale is way off – those pallets in the background are probably 4 feet wide at least.
May - 16th
Plates, Jingletown (Oakland) CA
Posted at 8:21 am | Filed Under art, lomo
The scale of this photo is misleading. It looks like a small-ish dished plate, but they’re actually two machined plates approximately 12 feet in diameter. Taken out in Jingletown, a post-industrial/art studio/loft neighborhood nestled between Oakland and Alameda near the Oakland Estuary. Jingletown Open Studios coincides with the Pro Arts East Bay Open Studios […]
May - 15th
Kitchen LOMO
Posted at 6:00 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
No other camera can work with low light as well as a LOMO does. Load a roll of slow film, hand-hold the camera, brace it against a lamp post, hold your breath and shoot…
May - 4th
Posted at 7:25 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
Greyhound Station, San Francisco CA. LOMO LC-A, Kodak HD 400 film
May - 2nd
Phone Line
Posted at 7:36 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
May - 1st
Continuing my window study
Posted at 10:08 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
A window I pass by every day on my way to and from work. This time, with a Colorsplash and Fuji Superia 400 film.
Apr - 26th
Always check your settings…
Posted at 4:54 pm | Filed Under film, journal, lomo
I’m a bargain shopper, and when I see film on sale or closeout (which is happening more and more these days) I stock up. I bought all of Walgreens’ Kodak HD400 film when they closed it out a couple of years ago, and it sat in my freezer ever since. I’ve had a fixation with […]
Apr - 22nd
LOMO at night
Posted at 7:16 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
Apr - 19th
Old LOMO Wall, 2009
Posted at 11:50 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
I started putting my LOMOs into a patchwork using double-sided tape on an old piece of foamcore tape a few years ago, and got to the point where I needed something a little more usable. After a while, the prints would fall down, overlapping prints meant tearing the print when I rearranged them, etc. I […]
Apr - 5th
More Random LOMOs…
Posted at 10:06 pm | Filed Under art, lomo
…Gathered on recent walks through the Tenderknob, SOMA and parts elsewhere, San Francisco.
Apr - 3rd
Gettin’ artsy with my LOMO in low light
Posted at 9:01 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
I’m always amazed at the LOMO LC-A’s ability to capture vivid colors in low light. Every other camera I’ve tried has given me washed out colors when I extend the shutter speed out in low light. With my LOMO, I load up the slowest film I can find (Lucky 100 when I can find it, […]
Mar - 31st
LOMO on the street
Posted at 11:45 pm | Filed Under film, lomo
Random LOMOs from my most recent roll of expired Lucky 100 film. Taken around South of Market, San Francisco. My 1991 LOMO is still going strong, after what I figure to be 100 rolls of film shot through it…
Mar - 19th
Walkabout, Part 76
Posted at 4:01 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
Mar - 14th
What to buy?
Posted at 12:48 pm | Filed Under film, lomo
The Lomographic Society made me their OSCM expert last week! I’ve got 35 piggy points to spend in the Lomographic Shop! What should I do, buy some film or spend a little more and splurge on something bigger? I have a 1990 LOMO LC-A and a Colorsplash flash, and my $1 TIME camera beats a […]
Mar - 7th
Cowboy wedding
Posted at 10:08 am | Filed Under lomo
I took this back in 2002? I gave the negatives to the mother of the groom and never got around to asking to borrow them back. My mother had a 4×6 which scanned nicely. LOMO LC-A, Fuji 100 film.
Feb - 20th
Street images
Posted at 12:09 pm | Filed Under digital, lomo
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