Apr - 26th
Plastic Camera Redux
Posted at 9:14 am | Filed Under art, film
I found a roll of old photos from my TIME Camera and tried cleaning up some of the spots and lines from processing in Photoshop.
Apr - 25th
Posted at 6:30 pm | Filed Under art, film
Apr - 24th
My new plastic favorite, the Vivitar IC 100
Posted at 6:50 pm | Filed Under art, film
The Vivitar IC 100 is rapidly turning into one of my favorite toy cameras. I broke from my usual “100 speed film only rule” and shot this roll on Fuji Superia 400. With the fixed 1/85th second shutter and f/5.6 aperture, I can use all the light sensitivity I can get!
Apr - 23rd
Posted at 10:00 pm | Filed Under art, film
This pic came off the first test roll from my Vivitar IC 100, a $1 plastic camera I picked up recently. It’s pretty standard looking. The insides could come from a LOMO Colorsplash or any number of unremarkable cameras. A simple lens, shutter speed and aperture fixed at 1/100th sec and f/5.6, and cheap enough […]
Apr - 23rd
Mannequin on Piedmont Avenue
Posted at 12:09 am | Filed Under art, film
Apr - 22nd
LOMO at night
Posted at 7:16 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
Apr - 19th
Old LOMO Wall, 2009
Posted at 11:50 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
I started putting my LOMOs into a patchwork using double-sided tape on an old piece of foamcore tape a few years ago, and got to the point where I needed something a little more usable. After a while, the prints would fall down, overlapping prints meant tearing the print when I rearranged them, etc. I […]
Apr - 17th
Chopsticks @ 50mm, Oakland, CA
Posted at 10:45 am | Filed Under art, film
Old print, new scanner. This was taken in Oakland’s chinatown back in 2002 or so. I love the shallow depth of field you get with a slow film, an old mechanical SLR and a 50mm Prime lens.
Apr - 16th
Big Brother
Posted at 6:10 pm | Filed Under art, film
Apr - 16th
Posted at 7:17 am | Filed Under art, film
Just so you know, it’s not all city shots and toy cameras around here.
Apr - 14th
Barbed wire
Posted at 10:20 pm | Filed Under art, film
Apr - 13th
Persnickety cameras…
Posted at 6:09 pm | Filed Under film, journal
My LOMO LC-A has had problems intermittently on the tail-end of the roll. It takes more and more effort to wind the film on, then at frame 18 or so the mechanism slips. It happened again so I shorted the roll and opened it up. It seems the take-up reel has cracked in a couple […]
Apr - 9th
Posted at 6:46 am | Filed Under art, film
I don’t know what this means. But I liked it.
Apr - 6th
Seven Eighty
Posted at 6:00 pm | Filed Under art, film
Apr - 3rd
Gettin’ artsy with my LOMO in low light
Posted at 9:01 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo
I’m always amazed at the LOMO LC-A’s ability to capture vivid colors in low light. Every other camera I’ve tried has given me washed out colors when I extend the shutter speed out in low light. With my LOMO, I load up the slowest film I can find (Lucky 100 when I can find it, […]
Mar - 31st
LOMO on the street
Posted at 11:45 pm | Filed Under film, lomo
Random LOMOs from my most recent roll of expired Lucky 100 film. Taken around South of Market, San Francisco. My 1991 LOMO is still going strong, after what I figure to be 100 rolls of film shot through it…
Mar - 30th
Posted at 11:06 pm | Filed Under film
Mar - 23rd
How to develop film using coffee and Vitamin C!
Posted at 11:53 pm | Filed Under film, journal
http://photojojo.com/content/tutorials/coffee-caffenol-film-developing/ Survival scenario #117: You’re trapped in a grocery store. Zombies are closing in from all sides. You have a crucial photo that could end the carnage, if only you had some way to develop the film. What do you do? You grab some instant coffee and vitamin C, you develop the film, and you […]
Mar - 19th
Walkabout, Part 76
Posted at 4:01 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo
Mar - 14th
What to buy?
Posted at 12:48 pm | Filed Under film, lomo
The Lomographic Society made me their OSCM expert last week! I’ve got 35 piggy points to spend in the Lomographic Shop! What should I do, buy some film or spend a little more and splurge on something bigger? I have a 1990 LOMO LC-A and a Colorsplash flash, and my $1 TIME camera beats a […]
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