- Where: Dolores Park & Union Square Park
SF: meeting spot TBA – NYC: under the George Washington Statue
San Francisco & New York City - When: September 3rd, 2008 19:00
- Contact: liad@lomography.com
Calling all San Francisco and New York City Lomographers!
Our friends at JPG Magazine and Photojojo are teaming up with us for a very cool event on September 3rd.
Simultaneously, in both cities (well, 3-hours apart actually), we will be holding a meet-up at sunset in Dolores Park in SF and at Union Square Park in NYC. (Round-up begins at 7pm, but shooting will start when the sun goes down.)

The goal of the meet-up is to wander around in the evening darkness doing light-painting and long-exposure experiments! Lomography will be providing a limited number of loaner Diana+ cameras and film for the events (but please bring your own cameras if you can – digital cameras are welcome for this event), and we will be awarding 5 Diana+’s in each city to the best 5 photos submitted afterwards. Photojojo will provide coupon vouchers for their shop to all who attend. And there is always the possibility that JPG will publish the best shot from the event in an upcoming issue (although this cannot be guaranteed at the moment).
JPG and Photojojo will be hosting the San Francisco event, and will have someone on hand to give a brief intro to light-painting that should get you started. I will be on hand at Union Square in NYC to do the same.
So come one, come all… bring your fancy-pants digital cameras if you must, or better yet, kick it old-school analog with a Diana+, Colorsplash, Holga, or other film camera with a B setting. Don’t forget to bring a flashlight, lighter, iPod, or glowstick, and use them to light up the town!
September 3rd, 2008 at 10:28 pm
[…] http://www.kataan.org/blog/2008/sf-lomo-meetup/ for the whole […]
September 7th, 2008 at 7:11 pm
i wish i could have attended this. nothing like this going on in my miami, atleast not that I know of.