Blogs Kurt is reading

blog September 29th, 2008

Nic Nichol’s blog: Four Corners Dark: Holga, Lomo, and low-fi photography.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I’m reading my own mind. He’s loving the Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim camera (my own reviews forthcoming), ranting on the ranters who claim you can duplicate low-fi with photoshop, so why bother with plastic, and the lucky bugger has gotten his hands on a BlackBird, Fly 35mm TLR. He even posted an article on Miroslav Tichy when news of his work made the rounds.

Poindexter sez: Check it Out.

One Response to “Blogs Kurt is reading”

  1. Just so you know… | poindexter, who? Says:

    […] though my site now looks an awful lot like 4 corners dark from a distance, it’s unintentional! Really, it is! I like the look of soma fm, my favorite […]

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