What’s wrong with Lomography?

Here’s two interesting pages regarding Lomos and why some people don’t like “Lomography” — http://home.planet.nl/~ucklomp/lomography/index.htm and http://homepage.mac.com/mattdenton/photo/cameras/olympus_xa.html

I have to agree with them – I love the Lomo LC-A, but I dislike lomography – it seems way too marketed and commercial. People carried pocket cameras with them a long time before the Lomographic Society decided to pretend that they invented street photography.

There are a lot of independent sites and resources for Lomos that I like (The GO LOMO and Action LOMO web rings being two of them) but the lomo.com site always seemed a little too contrived.
They even publish “Rules of Lomography” – luckily the last rule is “ignore the rules”.

The number of new users on www.lomo.org who ask if it’s possible to take LOMOpix with other cameras, and who ask if they need to use LOMO film to take LOMOpix tells me that the marketing blitz is working.

All criticism aside of the lomographic Society, the LOMO LC-A is an amazing little camera. It’s very simple – there’s no auto-focus and no motor film advance. To shoot, you open the lens cover, set the focus according to a zone focusing scale (one head/two heads/family/building) corresponding to 8 meters, 1.5 meters, 3 meters or infinity. Point, shoot, and advance. That’s it. The shutter can stay open an amazingly long time, so you’ll never get an underexposed picture with the LOMO. Blurry, maybe, but never underexposed. It fits nicely in your hand, and is the perfect stree-shooter – no flash, motor advance noise to give you away, no auto-focus to fail – just set the focus to 3m and shoot.

There’s something about the feel of these cameras – they feel *solid* (although they aren’t any less breakable than other cameras) and all of the controls are easy to reach when shooting one-handed or traditionally. I’ve tried a bunch of cameras, but keep going back to the LOMO for street shooting, creative shooting, and most everything except portraits.